Multidisciplinary Artist
Solo exhibition at Concord Free Public Library, Main Branch, 129 Main St, Concord MA, 01742
On view October 4-29, 2022

Special events:
Saturday, October 29, 3pm-4:30pm, all-ages reception in the gallery. FREE. Refreshments will be served. No registration required. Costumes optional for the young and young-at-heart.
Saturday, October 22, 2pm, face painting workshop for ages 11-18. FREE.
Tuesday, October 25, 4pm-5pm, face painting tips for parents/guardians and children K-5, as part of the Adopt a Reading Pal library walk. FREE.
The Zoomorphics exhibit was highlighted as a must-see show by the renowned publication, "What Will You Remember?" Check out their "Best Photo Picks" for October 2022.
Visiting the exhibit:
The gallery is open during regular library hours. The Main Library (129 Main St) is located in the fork of Main St. (Route 62) and Sudbury Rd. in Concord Center, reachable by Route 126, Route 2, and Route 62. If you enter through the front door, turn right and go up the stairs to the gallery, or turn left and take the elevator up.